
USA and Canada 2000

Below: some photographs of Particia's 2000 trip to North America:

Casualties of War

                                                Casualties of War            March 2019   Home from school on a hot summer day Silence broken by a muffled sob Cautious tread on cold hard floor, followed the sound with doubt and fear Found mother nearly by open wooden chest Clutching framed photograph of unknown man Wearing naval attire and brave shy smile Her tearstained face then turned to me He was my fiancĂ© she sadly said Missing at sea – I gave up all hope Joined the air force – met your father The wedding came fast, just a few days ahead Guests and family from near and far An unexpected knock on her door Long lost fiancĂ© rescued, returned What should she do? Went ahead with her new plans Numb...

China 1999


All About Honour

                                                       All About Honour            October 2015       Honour, in confusion and despair, has sadly unfurled it's scrolls and flown from the conscious core of many humans who longer recognise respect, dignity, loyalty, ethics, morals, patriotism, creeds, customs and commitment.       My first memories of honour are of school children carrying the New Zealand flag through each classroom before Anzac Day. We all contributed our pennies and received a picture of a poppy. Honour, respect and remembrance of our fighting, fallen fore fathers is still a powerful image.       I once stood on the ruins of Troy h...

India and Nepal 1997


True Colours

                                                           True Colours         May 2017         My Irish grandmother was full of puzzling sayings - "He sees everything in black and white", or "She's showing her true colours."       Was everything black and white in the olden days when you were young, Grandma? I wondered why the whole family laughed at me – after all I knew her world had no colours – what about all those albums full of black-and-white photographs in the Charlie Chaplin films she took me to see?       The life back in Ireland only seemed to be black-and-white because the priests...

Australia 1997

 Patricia crossed the Tasman and toured parts of Australia in 1997: